Το P⁍oγραμμά μας

Προσομοίωση με τις πραγματικές συνθήκες εργασίας

  • Ενεργή και βιωματική εκπαίδευση.
  • Φυσική παρουσία στις νέες μας εγκαταστάσεις, σε κεντρικό σημείο της πόλης.
  • Το curriculum του TechPro Academy είναι σχεδιασμένο αποκλειστικά από τις εταιρίες που συμμετέχουν στον κάθε κύκλο.

Όλα τα modules που εμπεριέχονται είναι 100% προσαρμοσμένα στις πραγματικές ανάγκες των εταιριών, εξυπηρετώντας 3 βασικούς σκοπούς:

  1. Στοχευμένη και άρτια μετεκπαίδευση των μελλοντικών εργαζομένων στις συγκεκριμένες εταιρίες.
  2. Μείωση του χρόνου προσαρμογής που απαιτείται μετά την ανάληψη εργασίας.
  3. Πλήρη προσομοίωση με τις πραγματικές συνθήκες εργασίας, τις απαιτήσεις αλλά και το know – how του κλάδου της Πληροφορικής & Τεχνολογίας.

Δεν είναι όμως μόνο αυτά που έχουμε ετοιμάσει για εσένα

Κάθε κύκλος του TechPro Academy συνοδεύεται από εκπαιδευτικές επισκέψεις γνωριμίας στις εγκαταστάσεις των εταιριών, workshops από στελέχη του μελλοντικού σου εργοδότη και pop up events για γνωριμία μαζί τους!

Bootcamp October 2024 (4 weeks, 9 hours per week) 

Week 1: Introduction to Git and IDEs  

  • Session 1: Git and Code Editor Setup  
  • Session 2: Advanced Git and GitHub 
  • Session 3: Working with Git and GitHub 

Week 2-3: Programming, Control Flow and Data Structures 

  • Session 4: Basic Programming Concepts  
  • Session 5: Control Flow  
  • Session 6: Practice Control Flow 
  • Session 7: Basic Data Structures  
  • Session 8: Basic Algorithms  
  • Session 9: Practice on Data Structure and Algorithms 

Week 4: Project Management and Final Assessment  

  • Session 10: Introduction to Project Management Tools  
  • Session 11: Final Assessment 
  • Session 12: Career-Stream Guidance  

Semester A: November 2024 – March 2025

Junior Full Stack Core [Java, JavaScript & React]

20 weeks, 6 hours per week

Phase 1: Fundamentals of Web Development (Weeks 1-3)  

  • Week 1: Introduction to HTML  
  • Week 2: Advanced HTML and CSS Basics  
  • Week 3: Advanced CSS Techniques  

Phase 2: Introduction to JavaScript Programming (Weeks 4-9)  

  • Week 4: Introduction to JavaScript  
  • Week 5: Control Flow in JavaScript  
  • Week 6: Functions and Scope  
  • Week 7: Arrays and Objects  
  • Week 8: Advanced Functions and Error Handling  
  • Week 9: Modern ES6 Features  

Phase 3: DOM and JavaScript Integration Techniques (Weeks 10-13)  

  • Week 10: DOM Manipulation  
  • Week 11: Event Handling  
  • Week 12: HTML Forms  
  • Week 13: Introduction to Web APIs  

Phase 4: Java Programming (Weeks 14-20) 

  • Week 14: Introduction to Java and Basic Syntax 
  • Week 15: Operators and Control Flow 
  • Week 16: Methods and Arrays 
  • Week 17: Object-Oriented Programming Basics  
  • Week 18: Inheritance and Polymorphism 
  • Week 19: Interfaces and Exception Handling  
  • Week 20: Connecting Front-End and Back-End 

Semester B: Back-End Stream [April 2025 – Jun 2025]

11 weeks, 6 hours per week

Java Data Structures and Algorithms (Weeks 21-24)  

  • Week 21: Advanced Data Structures 
  • Week 22: Sorting and Searching Algorithms 
  • Week 23: Recursion and Algorithm Optimization 
  • Week 24: SQL and Database Operations 

Web Development with Java (Weeks 25-28)  

  • Week 25: Introduction to Servlets 
  • Week 26: JavaServer Pages (JSP) 
  • Week 27: Advanced Servlets and JSP 
  • Week 28: Building RESTful APIs 

Frameworks and Advanced Topics (Weeks 29-32)  

  • Week 29: Introduction to Spring Framework 
  • Week 30: Spring Boot Basics 
  • Week 31: Spring Data JPA and Spring Security 
  • Week 32: Microservices with Spring Boot and Docker 

Semester B: Front-End Stream [April 2025 – Jun 2025]

11 weeks, 6 hours per week

DOM (Weeks 21-24) 

  • Week 21: HTML/CSS/JS Recap 
  • Week 22: DOM Manipulation 
  • Week 23: Event Handling 
  • Week 24: HTML Forms 

Advanced JavaScript (Weeks 25-28)  

  • Week 25: Javascript Under the hood 
  • Week 26: Modern ES6 Features 
  • Week 27: Asynchronous JavaScript 
  • Week 28: Introduction to Web APIs 

Advanced React (Weeks 29-32) 

  • Week 29: Introduction to React 
  • Week 30: React Component Lifecycle 
  • Week 31: Advanced State Management 
  • Week 32: React Router 

Bootcamp October 2024 (4 weeks, 9 hours per week) 

Week 1: Introduction to Git and IDEs  

  • Session 1: Git and Code Editor Setup  
  • Session 2: Advanced Git and GitHub 
  • Session 3: Working with Git and GitHub 

Week 2-3: Programming, Control Flow and Data Structures 

  • Session 4: Basic Programming Concepts  
  • Session 5: Control Flow  
  • Session 6: Practice Control Flow 
  • Session 7: Basic Data Structures  
  • Session 8: Basic Algorithms  
  • Session 9: Practice on Data Structure and Algorithms 

Week 4: Project Management and Final Assessment  

  • Session 10: Introduction to Project Management Tools  
  • Session 11: Final Assessment 
  • Session 12: Career-Stream Guidance  

Semester A: November 2024 – March 2025

Data Science and ML in Python 

20 weeks, 6 hours per week

Phase 1: Fundamentals of Python Programming and Statistics (Weeks 1-5)  

  • Week 1: Introduction to Python and Basic Syntax 
  • Week 2: Control Flow and Functions 
  • Week 3: Data Structures in Python 
  • Week 4-5: Introduction to Statistics 

Phase 2: Data Preparation and Pre-processing (Weeks 6-10)  

  • Week 6: Data Handling with NumPy 
  • Week 7: Data Manipulation with Pandas 
  • Week 8: Advanced Pandas 
  • Week 9-10: Data Cleaning and Pre-processing Strategies 

Phase 3: SQL and Data Visualization (Weeks 11-15)  

  • Week 11: SQL Basics 
  • Week 12: Advanced SQL 
  • Week 13: Data Visualization with Python 
  • Week 14-15: Data Visualization with PowerBI 

Phase 4: Machine Learning and AI with Python (Weeks 16-20)  

  • Week 16: Introduction to Machine Learning 
  • Week 17-18: Supervised Learning Algorithms 
  • Week 19: Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 
  • Week 20: Model Evaluation and Tuning 

Semester B: April 25 – June 25 

Advanced Topics in Data Science – ML and AI

9 weeks, 6 hours per week

  • Week 21-22: Neural Networks 
  • Week 23-24: Natural Language Processing (NLP) 
  • Week 24-25: Support Vector Machines (SVM) 
  • Week 25-26: Time-series Analysis 
  • Week 27: Ensemble Methods 
  • Week 28: XGBoost 
  • Week 29: Large Language Models 

Back-End in Java [November 2024 – March 2025]

20 weeks, 6 hours per week

Phase 1: Fundamentals of Java Programming (Weeks 1-3)  

  • Week 1: Introduction to Java and Basic Syntax 
  • Week 2: Operators and Control Flow 
  • Week 3: Methods and Arrays 
  • Week 4: Object-Oriented Programming Basics 

Phase 2: Advanced Java Programming Concepts (Weeks 5-8)  

  • Week 5: Inheritance and Polymorphism 
  • Week 6: Interfaces and Exception Handling 
  • Week 7: Collections Framework 
  • Week 8: File I/O and Serialization 

Phase 3: Java Data Structures and Algorithms (Weeks 9-12)  

  • Week 9: Advanced Data Structures 
  • Week 10: Sorting and Searching Algorithms 
  • Week 11: Recursion and Algorithm Optimization 
  • Week 12: SQL and Database Operations 

Phase 4: Web Development with Java (Weeks 13-16)  

  • Week 13: Introduction to Servlets 
  • Week 14: JavaServer Pages (JSP) 
  • Week 15: Advanced Servlets and JSP 
  • Week 16: Building RESTful APIs 

Phase 5: Frameworks and Advanced Topics (Weeks 17-20)  

    • Week 17: Introduction to Spring Framework 
    • Week 18: Spring Boot Basics 
    • Week 19: Spring Data JPA and Spring Security 
    • Week 20: Microservices with Spring Boot and Docker 

Front-End in JavaScript and React [November 2024 – March 2025]

20 weeks, 6 hours per week

Phase 1: Fundamentals of Web Development (Weeks 1-3)  

  • Week 1: Introduction to HTML 
  • Week 2: Advanced HTML and CSS Basics 
  • Week 3: Advanced CSS Techniques 

Phase 2: Introduction to JavaScript Programming (Weeks 4-8)  

  • Week 4: Introduction to JavaScript 
  • Week 5: Control Flow in JavaScript 
  • Week 6: Functions and Scope 
  • Week 7: Arrays and Objects 
  • Week 8: Advanced Functions and Error Handling 

Phase 3: DOM (Weeks 9-12)  

  • Week 9: HTML/CSS/JS Recap 
  • Week 10: DOM Manipulation 
  • Week 11: Event Handling 
  • Week 12: HTML Forms 

Phase 4: Advanced JavaScript (Weeks 13-16)  

  • Week 13: Javascript Under the hood 
  • Week 14: Modern ES6 Features 
  • Week 15: Asynchronous JavaScript 
  • Week 16: Introduction to Web APIs 

Phase 5: Advanced React (Weeks 17-20)  

  • Week 17: Introduction to React 
  • Week 18: React Component Lifecycle 
  • Week 19: Advanced State Management 
  • Week 20: React Router