Our Curriculum

Simulates real working conditions

  • Intensive hands-on training.
  • In-person class participation at brand new facilities, in the heart of the city.
  • Each Bootcamp’s curriculum is designed exclusively by the participating companies.

All modules are 100% adapted to the industry’s needs by the participating companies, and serve three key purposes:

  1. Work-based learning, tailored to company needs.
  2. Reduction of employee onboarding time.
  3. Mimics the industry’s working conditions, demands, and know-hows.

And it is not over yet

Each TechPro Academy Bootcamp is complemented with workplace visits at company premises, workshops designed and delivered by senior company executives, and pop-up events to get to know each other!

  • Bootcamp Orientation
  • Introduction to Programming (motivations from Java, Python and JavaScript)
  • Introduction to Object Orientation Programming
  • Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures



  • Understanding HTML, creating basic page structure
  • CSS Basics, Styling HTML elements, Box Model
  • Advanced CSS, CSS Preprocessors (Sass), Transitions, Flexbox and Grid
  • Workshop on HTML and CSS
  • Building Responsive Design, working with media queries, and understanding mobile-first design
  • JavaScript Basics, working with data types, control structures, functions, ES6
  • Debugging in JavaScript, using Chrome DevTools
  • Workshop on JavaScript
  • Introduction to React, understanding components, and JSX
  • Managing State in React, Handling Events, and Life Cycle Methods
  • Understanding Redux, Actions, Reducers, and Store
  • Implementing Redux in a React application, Async Actions
  • Workshop on React



  • Introduction to Java, JDK, and JVM Internals
  • Java installation and configuration workshop
  • Java Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles
  • Java Collections and Data Structures
  • Java structures workshop
  • SQL and Database Design
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
  • Introduction to Java Concurrency and Multithreading
  • Software Design Patterns in Java
  • Introduction to SpringBoot
  • Java Security Fundamentals



  • Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Probability Distributions, Hypothesis Testing
  • Correlation, Regression Analysis
  • Introduction to Pandas, Series and DataFrame objects, Indexing, slicing
  • Introduction to NumPy
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Introduction to Enterprise Data Visualization with PowerBI
  • Workshop in PowerBI and SQL: how to plot data in WAN or LAN
  • Implementing Basic Supervised Algorithms: Linear Regression
  • Introduction to Logistic Regression and Decision Trees
  • Introduction to K-Means Clustering
  • Working with PyTorch or TensorFlow
  • Model Evaluation: Understanding Bias-Variance Tradeoff and Introduction to Cross-Validation
  • Introduction to Neural Networks and Perceptrons



  • To be announced soon | Available on February 2024


Weeks: –

  • To be announced soon | Available on February 2024


Weeks: –

  • Introduction to Git and CI/CD
  • Software Development Methodologies & Agile Principles
  • Bonus Lecture: Leading and Managing People
  • Principles of Clean Code and Code Review
  • Introduction to Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing
  • Bonus Lecture: Themes of Success


15 Hours

  • Project brainstorming and planning, assigning roles
  • Project implementation, iteration, and troubleshooting
  • Final presentations, code reviews, and feedback sessions



  • To be announced.

  • To be announced.

  • To be announced.

  • To be announced.